Social media has become an important channel that is used by both small scale businesses and large scale as a platform for marketing and advertising their new products and services. This is in order to generate traffic by attracting more customers through the social network.Good management of social media creates product awareness and for this reason it is important for business owners to consider certain factors. First, a company that plans to use the social media advertising should identify the objectives. For example, they must determine if the goal is to sell products or generate more traffic. Second, a company must determine and analyze their communication strategies.If they intend to use advertising facebook, they should determine the target group based on their own product and services. Finally, a potential company in the social network has to choose individual potential which must ensure the management of social media daily. This is important because it will ensure effective communication between potential clients in the social network and business.

A social media many companies have been underway for facebook is. Facebook advertising and marketing has been useful because there are over 800 million Facebook users worldwide. However, the use of Facebook has been associated with a number of advantages and disadvantages depending on the management of the facebook page and the presentation of important information and data on the product.
Advantages of using the facebook advertising for companies
accessible information with proper presentation of product information on Facebook, many Facebook users are able to access it. However, to increase the number of likes and generate traffic, it is essential to continue to update the information in order to provide details of your business or product that is useful and attractive.
Facebook advertising With Facebook advertising platform, a company is able to target specific groups of potential customers based on gender, location, language and age. This is facilitated by the fact that you are the administrator of your facebook page. This means that potential users of facebook will read your Facebook ad and reply if they are interested in what you are marketing.
Linking your company website with the facebook page Facebook advertising has greatly improved digital marketing. That means it will help improve your search engine optimization (SEO). This is possible because you can link your company website with your facebook page. This means that every post shared from your facebook page will connect directly to your business website leading to increased traffic.
Less facebook advertising (worth noting)
Requires a solid management reputation to be successful in marketing and advertising facebook, we should have a strong social media management. This is because Facebook is a social media where anyone can post negative comments about your reputation as the general contractor or product. In such a case, it is important to manage your social staff to address the issue of customer or complaint.
Requires good communication community Since Facebook is a channel that can increase traffic to your website and eventually increase sales, it is advisable to let the ordinary staff without the basic skills and knowledge to manage your business facebook page. However, it is crucial to have a community of communication that will manage and monitor your facebook page, correct poor comments, know what is published in your name and change your page rendering classic and attractive.
Frequent monitoring of your facebook page It is important to monitor your facebook page frequently so that you are able to respond to any comments or questions asked.
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