This is my third update on my Amazon Niche Journey- If you follow me, you know I started a journey to build an amazon site to earn $ 200 per month in 90 days (yesterday was the day 60 - Although I intended doing so before 60 days)If you are interested, you can read my first day here and my second update here
this will. be short and to the point. Before explaining what I did, here's the screenshot of my earnings.

Did I achieve my goal? Partly yes and partly no. Read more ...

In February Google Update- my site was hit and thrown out of the top 100! I did a little analysis and find that the keyword density on my home page is too much. And for 15+ days, my site was nowhere to be found, it affected my gains a little. But do not complain, you better have a lot of "oh well" that "if ..."Pat Fynn put it better.Well, the good news is that I took a little action and the site was back to the first page in a few days. Now the problem is, am I targeting the wrong keyword? Because I am the No.4 ranking for my primary keywords and top 10 for a large number of secondary keywords ... I get about 40 clicks each day visitors who visit but none of buy them (again) 😀. I was discussing with my friend online and he told me not to worry about conversion rates until I get about 100 to 200 clicks per day.
What to do to reach my goal
I did that I can do with this site and I'm just waiting for that it hit # 1 spot, and then see how it will be taking a month. Many people have problems filing their niche site and this is so I have. You can rank your site by doing what I outlined here and believe me, it works.My next step to make the site instead of getting 1 and to achieve this, I will be building 5 web2: 0s with 3 x 300 + words readable article and build level 2 to it. This will cost me between $ 20. And I will add more than 3 x 500 + articles on my niche site and wait to see if she was getting me.The next update will be the 10th day of April and hopefully I will have a very impressive revenue thing I like
site niche construction is that you can earn passive income with her for a very long time before animal google hit the site and the ability to sell the site for quick money is still there. But if you do the proper SEO on it, the site can stay there for months or years!One of the comments I have is
Jeffrey Dibble who enjoy the site and travel that are transparent and I wanted to share the site and keywords for ranking am ... I wanted really do it from the beginning ... (I could still do it - do not know yet) But then I think I can start a public case study will show the site from the beginning and the keywords will rank for . I have 2 keywords (niche) to choose from and after conclusion go to, so I'll start the public case study.I will show you how much I was spending on everything, including how much I spend on outsourcing. I will of course be outsourcing almost everything. And my budget for this will be less than $ 300
Summary :.
In total, I have to earn about $ 29 and I sold an item of $ 100 and $ 399.99 and is yet to be shipped, it will bring about
$ 50 .(I will update when the items are shipped) So in summary I earn $ 50 and we still have $ 150 to cover.
This is my journey and what's yours? As Pat said, it is better to try and fail and then try again, instead of wishing and dreaming and regretting. Do you think there is anything I miss about this update? I love to hear your comments.
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