The nature of online advertising is evolving. Advertising agencies must adapt with the attitude of Internet users prefer ads that do not interfere with their activities online. That's why companies such as
Imonomy , have developed non-invasive ads.traditional advertising units are almost their end as more people use ad blockers with their browsers. "Banner Blindness" is a term used to describe how readers ignore traditional ads on a website. Studies have shown that nearly one third of advertising impressions are left unseen by Internet users.

This is why advertisers are coming up with new strategies. One of the most popular alternatives is advertising in the picture, because it allows publishers to earn advertising revenue through images on their websites. In case this is the first time you have encountered the term in the image ads, it shows the ad unit as another layer in the photo.In the image of advertising is the non-invasive solution for publishers who want to earn income for their content. traditional advertising units often alienate visitors. Ads can dominate the visitors. There are times when the ads are more pixels on a page instead of the actual content.The Internet has been increasingly visual in recent years, as seen with the number of additions in the emergence of Facebook and Instagram. It is common knowledge that the images tell a thousand words and this is why publishers are using to appeal to more readers.The editors have already adopted in the image of advertising and their visitors have accepted the relevant ads on top of pictures. Some visitors may not even realize that it is an ad before clicking on it.
Advantages of In-Image ads and Imonomy
Imonomy is one of the images in advertising companies that enable publishers to earn ad revenue without overloading the site. It displays your image instead of showing the ad somewhere in the web page. The ads are not in conflict with the overall design of the site.In the image ads are noticed more because they are in the content that highly engage visitors. Most people move their mouse over the photos and Imonomy display relevant ads and seen by the user.Relevance is the key to why the advertising image has become the top advertising solution for publishers. Imonomy made a point to show only relevant photos on the content and the advertisement image that goes with it. Instead of being angered by the announcement, readers will be excited to see, because it is related to what they read.In the image of advertising is versatile because it allows for your suppliers to come up with different models of ads. Take for example Imonomy. It has a flexible technology to create ad units that are always complimenting the content.In the image of advertising is commitment. It is the ad work to engage consumers and your image did well. According to studies, the ad format has provided high click through rate.
Why Imonomy
Imonomy may not be the first to offer advertising in the image, but it has become one of the largest companies in the industry. It offers publishers an advertising solution that is effective to engage readers instead of diverting.Many publishers are turning to advertising image as their main source of income of the ads. Advertisers have also welcomed its entry in the online advertising industry. Imonomy works with various ad providers and connects them with the right publishers.The company started in the business by developing an algorithm that can scan text and match with a relevant photo database. Then it evolved into an advertising platform that delivers ads in the related image using the same algorithm.
Imonomy is the best solution in the advertising image for publishers want to earn more from CPM, CPC and CPA offers. It offers various ad styles to meet Web site design and complete content and not eat up space on the page.
Imonomy is perfect for publishers large niche blogs and news sites that want to monetize their websites. To start using the service, you just need to get the code from his website and you will start earning money right away.
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