In my quest to compile
The full list of adsense pay legitimate alternatives , I tried various PPC network and the majority of them are scam !! There is almost a week, I tried if anyone can make money with and I was disappointed that they are not what they claim, the funny thing is, no
payment evidence around the Internet !!! After trying for days, I gain nothing. However, someone comments on my position he / she win with them. I really do not know until I see more proof.So while seeking alternative adsense, I came across, and here are my comments.
Earn money online with (Review)Can I make money online with
b4psads .com? There three days I tried it on ads on my site and one of authority who get around 20-50k page views a day, and This is the worst network i've used so far .... they fill my space addynamo ads with ads when they are no more ads to display, and yet my account is still playing $ 0.00 !! On my site where these ads are placed, when I put adsense ads there, he earns about $ 2 $ 10 per day, but with ads, it is zero, nada, zilch !!! payment proofs normal way before i posted all network ads on my site, I google first to see if the publishers are paid, but why look proof of payment, I just saw a proof of payment, and guess what? It is published on blog! No other publishers are showing there proof of payment and why? because none of them are making money with it. However, I would love to see if anyone made money from their website using ads from East Scam?they are not scam but they are not worth your advertising space, after adding them to my website, here is my stat
Total views This month 15327 three days i have a total of 15,327 views and not a single click? and they where supposed to pay for the PMO? I really do not understand why they put addynamo ads on my website and paid for clicks! If I want to put addynamo ads on my sites, I can do it myself. So if you want to place on your website, remember to do your due diligence die, it is possible they do not pay all publishers. Below is my screenshot so you can confirm for yourself. no wonder they are not popular.before, i spent the screenshot, I want to be clear, others might be money from the network (although I doubt it), this is just my personal experience with them . So far I have not seen any adsense alternative that is much better than chitika, I do not chitika is that if you're still love money, you will earn peanuts, and they display ads for international traffic. my search for better alternatives adsense continues, and I saw many of those promising to try, this time, will try them for a week and give my report.

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