Guide on how to set up a blog and make money of it: a blog is very similar to a website, the main difference is the message you make are stored in an advanced database that makes it very easy for you to publish as many articles as often as you like without any technical knowledge. When visitors come to your blog, they are able to see all your messages in chronological order and divided into categories that make it even easier for them to find the information they seek.Build a blog is perhaps the easiest way to build your web presence. It is very easy to update a blog with new posts daily and that's why Google loves blogs because they are usually full of new, unique and fresh content with useful information.

Setting up your blog
First, there are two steps you must take before going far. These steps are simple, but perhaps the most important step in setting up a blog and make money of itMust read :. 21 ways to make money online in 2014Step 1If you have not already, take your niche. Make sure there are enough people on the web are looking for information that relates to your niche. Secondly make sure that your niche is not saturated because if there are already hundreds of blogs and websites out there exactly the same niche and then promoting and ranking your site will be almost impossible mission. How do you check? Please read on step 2Step 2Before you start building your blog, you must perform a keyword research. There is no way to make money online with your blog without any search keywords. It might take you a few minutes, but believe me, it will save you a huge amount of time in the long ran. Without keyword research to build a website or blog is just like driving in the dark without headlights. There are many free tools that allow you to search for keywords, Google Adwords is perhaps the most reliable and easy to use.Step 3Once you've done your keyword research you have a good idea where you are going and what keywords you are targeting. It's time to start building! Do not worry that this is the most fun of all. There are many blog platforms to choose. Blogger is provided by Google, maybe it is not the best platform of blogs out there but it is decent and if you use Blogger, you can be assured that your blog will not go unnoticed, after all, you will messages from the Google platform. With Blogger, Google provides free hosting space and if you want you can buy your own domain name (which is highly recommended). This however does not mean that you have all aspects of your blog, Google will continue to provide their free hosting space.In the long run wordpress is the way to go if your goal is to make money online. He is widely regarded as the best platform of blogs in the world. He not only has a wide variety of free templates to choose from, it is also easy to use - almost as easy as blogger - and the best part is that its optimized seo. Strange as it may seem, with wordpress blog you generate will be more friendly to search engines, even Google. In other words wordpress is a more advanced platform. And that is exactly why almost all web hosting companies offer compatibility with wordpress. With wordpress you can not only have your own domain name, but you can even have your own hosting space. Having your own hosting space means you actually own your blog is absolutely important if you intend to spend time building your blog to make money online from it.With your blogger blog is not really yours. It belongs to Google, which provides the hosting space and there is always the danger that one day you will find your blog deleted - but usually this does not happen without a reason. So you have to think about what is best for you in the long term and choose wisely. Build a blog as simple as it may be, requires what actually added as the days pass sometimes. It is much better to choose many aspects wordpress. You will have a platform that is more friendly to search engines - making it easier to rank your blog -. And also you will actually own your blogStep 4Whichever platform you finally choose the next step is to actually start building your blog. Choose your domain name wisely; Ideally, you should include your main keyword in your domain name. As you will see by choosing a template for your blog and post new articles is the fun and easy part of all. Your next goal is to build your audience. The best way to succeed is to provide unique content and high quality, the good news is that you do not need technical skills for it. Quality content will be completely up to you!Next is how to do SEO on your website to increase your traffic and ranking.
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