Why Affiliate Marketers Need Google Analytics : more and more companies are investing in online marketing. Even the bricks and mortar businesses take advantage of local search and location-based tools such as Foursquare to improve their marketing efforts. There are many reasons for the popularity of online marketing, but one that is most applicable to
Affiliate Marketing is that the results of your online marketing efforts can be tracked easily, and with unprecedented levels of detail. When buying a billboard or magazine ad, you do not know how many people saw or responded. With online marketing, you know who has seen your ad, where and when, and how they responded.

What Analytics can do for you
Google Analytics is the tool most useful for affiliate marketers. Not only can you how your marketing efforts are performing say, it may help you understand why people are or are not responding to your ads.The most common use and most valuable, Google Analytics is to track targets. A goal is a path you want to take a visitor through your website. Generally, a goal is to get a user from a landing page with the "Thank you for purchasing" page, but this should not be the case. One goal might be to get someone to follow you on Twitter, subscribe to your e-mail address or simply visit a page. You can configure up to 20 different goals for your Google Analytics profile and watch in real time as visitors navigate your site.Once you set a goal you can use the reports to see where people go to your site. Are you losing customers during the shopping cart process? People are spending 25 seconds on your landing page and then leaving before completing the registration process? Are your visitors explore in depth website but ignoring your means for them to follow you on Twitter? Use the information gathered on the behavior of your visitors to highlight potential problems with your website, and correct these problems.Note that you can set the A / B testing in Google Analytics, so that a certain percentage of your visitors see a different landing page. As you tweak your site, this type of test can be valuable to determine if these changes have a positive or negative effect.
Spotting Rogue Affiliates
If you are a merchant looking to protect your brand, then you can use Google Analytics to track bidders brand thugs and other practices contrary to affiliate ethics. Most of
Affiliate Programs add parameters to your URL when they send traffic to you as part of their tracking code. You can configure advanced segments to track visits that include tracking code, and filter these visits to highlight the codes you do not recognize. You can then examine where visitors come and to identify potential bidders for the brand based on this code and the landing page the traffic is sent. It's not foolproof, but it is certainly a good starting point for protecting your trademark in AdWords and other paid search services.
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