I saw many beginners and even self acclaimed bloggers errors brands when it comes to the search keyword. Keyword research is undoubtedly one of the most confusing concepts in creating and building a website. From reading various blogs, I came to know that bloggers have different approach to keyword research. And a funny thing is that they all work! Or a little work.The success or failure of a website depends solely on your keyword research if you do have total control to find these hidden gold keywords that divide the money in your bank account.Well, one thing for sure that the Authority site have on micro niche site is that it will rank for 100s of keywords, and from there you could hit one of the words -clés gold!

This might surprise you a little. I even run down with someone www.comluv.com which is a SEO provider, and I told him how some shit
Seo Services are, of course, that piece off him and he came to me with all the anger he got. A safer way to ruin your keyword research depends on keyword research tools. Most keyword research tools are inaccurate and derive data from the cloud. The tools can give you figures and estimates. But you can not depend solely on them for your keyword research. I told the guys comluv that the same applies to the ranking of a website, you can not rely on tools like ScrapeBox and GSA to rank your site for long term, it will burn and leave you dried. Unless you build a churn and burn kind of sites.Keyword research tools are okay, but you should not depend solely on them when conducting your search keywords professional bloggers ... You saw who said that they spent hours searching for keywords! But these bloggers more SEO tools they need. Why not just plug in keywords and then do with it?
... Ok, So how do you do your keyword research? I made some mistakes in the past and even recently ... I went on a search on how to build a niche site Authority. I read over 510,000 words of articles explaining how to correctly research keywords and build a website that rank well in www.google.com and other search engines like www.bing.com and www.yahoo .com. scrappy Enough about me already, let see how to properly do keyword research ...Ok, so you have your main / Seed keywords. For the sake of illustration, we will choose "money" as our keyword seed, and our website is money.comNext we'll select our categories with the words- ... long tail key business, investment advice. finances, resources etc ...
Warning : that link as money.com/money-tips give great pain over-optimizationYou should never mention the same word key twice in your URL. So your category link should be something like money.com/tips then the sub-keyword would be something like that. money.com/tips/businessWe have selected keywords and sub-keywords and organized our class to avoid being punished more penalizationformat Setting the article on the site :. To this end, we have two options. The blog style, were you the categories and continue to add new items. Then it will be wise as SEO keywords are not related to each other. You can target a keyword that you want in your main keyword and write about it without worrying about optimization of many. I will end here more about it will publish on my next post.What are your plans for 2014?Am already researched and it's time to put what I learned into practice and see if this year will be much better than 2013.I met many bloggers who are doing very well, and I from January 2014, I will start to share again my blog report income. If you're a blogger and you're not reporting income from other bloggers loans, then you are missing a lot! After reading how other bloggers make money online, you will have floating ideas in your head almost instantly. See you all in 201
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