My Journey: building a money making site that wins with amazon and adsense: Here's a quick update on my way to build a site decision money who earn $ 200 a month from amazon and perhaps adsense. I said I'll update this week, but after a week, I saw that there is no grand something to write. now I'll update every 10 months or so. the first post on this trip went live on January 10 and is now February 10 😀 So the next update will be March 10. (by the grace of God)
Journey to $ 200 per month using Adsense and Amazon this is what I did, and published 12 items will be adding another 8 items to make the site seem semi-authority.He succeeded so far because I'm currently ranking top 20 for several keywords! And I get about 100 visitors a day according StatPress reloaded wordpress plugin. (Of course, I do not know for sure if it is accurate, but I used to know when I get hit on my site) The plugin will show you what keywords visitors use to access your website and that will give you idea what to write next.Here are my screenshots. (Click image to enlarge)

When I created this niche site, I did not expect Google to send traffic to me, I went in search of traffic. What I did is available HERE and it can be implemented on a website.
How do I create links to the website I said I'm going to order for the SEO service and will not spend more than $ 40? Well, here's what I did and you can do the same. Remember, I did the Seo services myself, I outsource everything! I have done more harm to my sites by building too many links in a short period of time, so this time I also want whitehat as possible ... You can see how simple it is SEO and yet very powerful.
I build web2: 0s and here they are This is my level 1. / //www.weebly .com / //www.wikidot .com /
Building Article Directories- I was submitting product; / also submit to PDF sites (Slideshare, Docstoc, Scribd), and bookmarking sites like Reddit, Stumbleupon, Pinterest, Delicious and Digg.All above Links directly to my main sites and they all have unique items. (This is so I spent most of my money)My Web2 :. 0s have 2 × 300 + words Articles link to my homepage and inside pages (2 links to each article)
backlinking Backlinks: 2s tier the next step is quite simple, I ordered 50 web2: 0s to each of my level 1 and also 200 social bookmarking for each level 1.This is after enough practice and anyone can implement on their site niche easily.So what are the proof that it works?Well ... I Sold 5 items on Amazon! you can see from the screenshot below ...

* I blur on some items to hide my keywords for a while, Meanwhile, the latter elements have nothing to do with my niche. But which is the best part of Amazon. You are credited with everything a customer purchased when your cookie is still active.Unfortunately, the items sold are about $ 5 to $ 30, while what is cost me $ 50 to $ 1,000.Items are shipped yet and I will be including in my next report on income and not only that, I will write another review again this month trip next and hopefully, I would have reached the goal of making $ 200 a month to build a site from scratch.
Parting words.
I received a few emails from people here who want me to give them the key word to go and how to rank websites. I share almost everything I do on free and if you can just take the time to read through the pages, you can clearly see what I do and you too can do the same ...I'll give you a secret that will help you throughout your Internet marketing career.If you are not the type who thinks outside the box and you're not a self starter, you find it difficult to succeed in our world, unless you are ready to pay for coaching. The IM (
I nternet
M arketing) game not to follow what others are doing to make money online, it is what you can build on the research other.When people ask me what kind of niche to target, he told me that you're not ready or if you still have a long way to go. (Although I was once there, and after spending a lot of time on keyword research, I discover niches that are easy to file and also profitable) You must learn to do your own research, make your own niche, others use the trail and error to develop your own. I also used others niche as "seed keywords," then dig until I see something. Yes, it works, but it will take much time!But if you still want to outsource your search keywords until you are good enough to do it yourself?here's the good news, I'll be happy to come here, I'll help you search on profitable keywords amazon or profitable adsense keywords, not just the keyword to be profitable, but it will be quite easy classify for!there are two package, a micro keyword that gets 1900+ local search per month more secondary keywords, anda keyword that gets about 6,500+ authority and local search per month, plus a number of secondary keywords.micro-words key is just $ 40 and the authority of keywords is $ 70.If you want to start your money making website and you are confused about what keyword to go, so you can hit my email (admin [at] and I'll be glad to mentor you until you win your first $$. You can also outsource your SEO by doing exactly what I'm doing above, or you can choose to give it to me.
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