How new IT systems can boost your small business Earnings

7:14:00 PM
As someone who now runs his own business and worked for a number of different companies as an employee in the past, there are many things that I learned over the years during my career and after self-individual

How New Computer Systems Can Boost Your Small Business Earnings

photo credit :. Bill Weiss (via Flickr) One of the things I observed and made a mental note of the years is how some organizations pay little attention to their IT needs. I once worked for a well known international company certainly had the budget to spend on improving their IT systems to those that are not archaic compared to technology standards, but they chose to stay with these old systems 5 years!now I know what you may be thinking: "if it is not broke, do not fix it", right? Normally I agree with you on that statement, but the problem with the company where I worked is that these computer systems were anything but reliable!There was almost accepted practice for employees to have to wait to start their PC for more than 2 minutes (yes, 2 minutes!) Because some genius in the IT department thought it would be a good idea to upgrade people to new operating systems using the minimum-spec material!Other common complaints included the jamming printer on a half-hour basis (the printer was affectionately called "BobMarley"), commonly used applications on our computers, such as Microsoft Outlook blocks as it was a little lax in updating the software, and new staff being told they had to share computers with other workers because he "is not enough available network wiring" for new systems!This company was taken over by a German company in the last few years, so I'm hoping that the Germans, who are usually sticklers for efficiency, fired the entire IT department purchased new fresh blood and new computers!Anyway, the point I would make is that not have updated computer systems and software in your small business, you begin to have a number of problems that could technically jeopardizing the sustainability of your business! But if my little story above has not convinced you enough, here are some reasons for it! you will increase productivity and efficiency The problem with the use of old computer systems and equipment is that it can seriously affect your ability to do things, and do quickly! As you might guess from my example above, myself and other employees of the company that I worked there a few years have passed an alarming proportion of our days waiting for things to produce.How New Computer Systems Can Boost Your Small Business Earnings

photo credit: MichaelSeanGallagher (via Flickr)

We would generally expect our computers to boot into Windows, we would have to wait for applications to open or specific process tasks, we even had to wait for our impressions to appear on Bob Marley, because sometimes our systems were too slow to effectively communicate data over the network to the printer.a friend of mine who works for CheckComputers once made a very good point for me. He said that modern IT systems should be considered an investment in your business, rather than an expense.And he was right! Virtually every business in 2014 using computers in one form or another, and regardless of whether these companies are based in someone's home or in an office building somewhere, we rely on them to help us do our work on time. They make you look professional in front of customers one of the key factors that makes customers (or potential customers) spend their money with you rather than your competitors is when you seem to be professional in front of them. Many people in general do not care if your business is based in your living room or even in the garden shed, as long as you can prove that you know what it takes to do the job, and do it well.for example, it is not uncommon for designers many websites to work at home rather than an office, and they often have guests visit home to discuss various aspects of new projects they are about to work together.If a customer sees that you are using a computer running Windows ME old on it, they will obviously think twice about your abilities. But if they spot a modern PC running Windows 8 or even a flash-looking nestled Apple iMac in the area, they will know that you have invested enough money in your business to be taken seriously by people. you will be able to run the latest firmware There are no secret that running an older computer usually means that you can not effectively run new software effectively, if at all.While it is debatable whether the constant evolution of technology hardware is good or not (for financial reasons), one thing is certain, and that is you will eventually upgrade to run the latest software applicationsThere are a few reasons why this is a must :.
  • characteristics - new software versions usually include new features that are designed to help you work more efficiently;
  • security - software developers do not support a software version for a limited time, and security holes that need to be fixed are usually applied to future versions of software. If you do not upgrade your software, you may be vulnerable to hacking attempts, for example,
  • speed - in the past, features-oriented software developers rather than speed, but these days are two factors which lead to constantly create software versions that are better and faster than before.
You do not have to pay for new initial IT systems many small business owners are under the misconception that new PC should be prepaid. The truth is, it is possible to finance or lease computer systems, which is obviously good news for the purposes of cash flow!
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