I noticed a significant fluctuations in traffic through some of my websites this week (some traffic to my site increased by 20.7% over the week latter, which is improved)! if you ask me, this is good news and the bad news is, some of my tanked sites because of this update and I expect all along, I guess it has to do with outbound links too, and keyword density, but I am still however analysis. And today we can confirm that Google has released a new update called
Google Panda 4.0 
Matt Cutt Tweeted that Google deploys Panda 4.0.Tweets by @mattcutts//
How great is Google Panda 4.0 update? There are some time, Google said SearchEngineLand the update affects about 7.5% of all requests in English, to a degree that can be noticed by a regular user.
what kind of sites present the updated goals? 
navigation through the various Internet marketing forums, Panda 4.0 updates Google target websites / blogs with low quality content. From personal experience, websites that contained thin and duplicate content are still affected, so if you want to build a niche website that will rank for a long time, use the original content and ensure that your website is up to 20 pages.
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