I recently started a new amazon niche websites and want to share with you and warnings while building a niche site to promote amazon products. you can see my last post about how I intended to build and classify another niche site before December amazon, 2014.Am still put some fabrics together and I decided to share with you some mistakes to avoid when construction amazon niche sites.This is definitely not for the pros, but those new benefit. In the next 49 days or more, we will bid farewell to 2014. And many people will be looking to start a niche website in 2015, and if stumble on this post, good!
Mistakes to avoid when building Amazon Niche Site

do not spam your site with too many affiliate links. I Location maps for an absolute maximum of 2 per page and normally just an affiliate link.It works. Do not use content that is less than 400 words. You miss out on so long tails keywords, if you type 300 reviews of words. Try to push it to 600 or more, including words such as discount, purchase, opinion, best, top, cheap and more.
Do not use duplicate content. Want to build a site that will last for a long time? Then do not use duplicate content! You are doing yourself more harm than good. If you are not writing Flare, you can outsource your writing to writers who are ready and willing to do the work.1. The holy rule: Do not break the Amazon TOS. You will lose a lot of money without any sense.2. Read all you can about this method to make money. There is little feedback to Amazon only moneyhomeblog.com.3. Do not be greedy and pay the authors of unskilled content. You will end lose money over the long term.4. Do a proper research when hunting a niche. Stay hours upon hours, making lists, enter as much data as you can and only then decide.5. test, test, test, test and test again. I was a conversion of 3% on 1 website. After testing things and tried to understand the thinking of my visitors, conversion went to 7%. Such is the difference between a site for $ 10 / day and $ 25 / day siteThis is very, very important. Reinvest your profits and do not keep all your eggs in one basket. Do not take your first $ 300 and drinking in a pub. Those money are dead and buried. They will not make more money in the future.Amazon based on the targeted buying traffic .. The more general the keyword lower conversion .. So you need to identify Niche / products / accessories with care and charge your site with lots of content. ... .. Then see how it converts .. and make changes if necessary.I prefer the magazine-style themes, but there are several ways to get the same goal.as you can never learn while reading just .. you have to try yourself and learn from your successes or your failures ... both provide information.Amazon is not get rich quick .. But there is work.Look out for my next post on my trip amazon.
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