10 Powerful Methods How to drive traffic to your Website

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10 Powerful Methods How to drive traffic to your website Getting traffic is the biggest problem facing every next blogger, and if it does attack wisely in the coming months, the blogger starts saying things like "blogging is hard". the truth is that blogs are not for everyone, and all those who have started blogging for the sole purpose of " make money online " will certainly fail! And do you know why?Because that would be their state of mind, when I started blogging, the truth is that "I want to make money online" but I also mean I have to read to Place a mark and make me an authority before the money start rolling in.Back to the main topic of the day, do you have the idea that there are many "interesting and impressive fascinating "posts published daily online? But without proper promotion, one will see the pole and automatically turns it useless and simply disappear into oblivion.the truth is, that visitors are not" if difficult, "but to retain them, what makes them come back is the main question again, as for me, I have to visit hundreds of thousands of pages online, but only a few caught my attention and very little sites I check their updated daily. Make the content of your website "extra helpful" to your target audience and you will certainly remember your traffic.is a quote from my favorite that says"Without traffic, a blog is just a useless newspaper among millions" without traffic, you will certainly not money online. So here are my 10 powerful methods How to drive traffic to your website

10 Smashing methods to get traffic to all Website/Blog

10 Powerful Methods How To Drive Traffic To Your Website

1. Quality Content:

You have heard it before, you hear now, and you continue to hear and see everywhere, even if you have traffic through the optimization of search engines (SEO), visitors will simply not be interested to read the article because it is not what they need, and it's not their problem. Before you start thinking about traffic, providing quality product, large and fascinating, helpful and directly to the article's point that will "help the public to" solve the problem that brought them to your website.If you provide a quality article that goes a long way in solving bloggers problem, you probably find that you will repeat visitors and if it happens, you are on the road to success at full speedCOUNCIL :. Make your content useful, interesting, fascinating to our audience and get them to come back for more. Just as the currency of Pepsi, "ask for more"

2. be human with your audience

do not pretend to be some anonymous blogger who thinks he knows everything and people do not know that was the original bloggers have problem with Matthew Woodward Matthewwoodward.co.uk, he is a great writer, but hide behind his shadow, to cut the long story short, when it starts downloading photos on Google+, and website, its flow increased confidence and other bloggers are starting to connect with him more.Make sure you show your face on your blog, and also will connect with your readers through the comments box, and if someone contacts you by email, answer correctly and as fast as you can , you do not know tomorrow, the beginning you see today, may turn to a pro-blogger $$$$ worth thousands of dollars tomorrow, and I tell you, he will never forget his mentors.respond to your comments and respond as a human, not something like"Thanks for the comment dude, come back!" = Totally false, 100% false. Because it will look like you're talking to a lifeless thing.must somehow like that, "Thank you (mention intervenor name) to come, and I really like your input here, hope to see you next time. The best / cordially "It makes your visitors feel appreciated and loved, and I bet you, they must surely come back, you can even ask them to subscribe to your newsletter.

3. Social Bookmark:

Make sure you optimize social networks / bookmarks maximum when you create a new content on your site, you must get the word out that there is an interesting read on your blog is worth seeing, and where is the best place to bring like minded people like reading your blog if not "websites bookmarking / social networks? "Human are always curious, and playing on our curiosity get you more traffic, Use the maximum and start pushing traffic to your blog with less effort and no money at all.

4. Guest Posting

Matt Cutts said that "guest posting is dead" right? Well, if you took your time to read all her why he said that, you will see that he said that the guest display is dead because people handle for SEO purposes, but the creation a useful article on a website that is related to your site and link back, will not only benefit your site in the google ranking, but also help you generate traffic to your website.Imagine having the ability to publish your article on HuffitonPost? And other top sites that have millions of visitors a day, do you know how many people would like to know more about you? and if your article is helpful, they will really want to know more about you, your website, your information, and to name a few.Guest posting on related websites, ranking top those with a high number of visitors is a sure way to drive more traffic to your website and reach a wider audience.

4. Press release

I did it once a press release Moneyhomeblog and really, it is still among the top factor why my current pagerank is 3Domain authority 37,alexa rank 63K. and it will get better.This is my current stats at the time of publication of this article, and yes, I really enjoy the press release benefits.I bought the press release service for a very good price and when it was published, my website even went as far as is featured on the new google engine traffic and my pic up! Do not look for a way on how to get a press release, it is an excellent source for traffic and SEO benefiting too.

5. Commenting:

The power of review can never be underestimated, it gets you backlink and if your comment is controversial or excellent, you will have great views on your website.One way in which I used to drive traffic to my site when I started blogging is commenting on Internet marketing websites and sometimes popular technology sites, and when my review gets to be among the top 5 comments published, I received many points of view.But with the recent update of google, I think we should focus more comments in related blogs, admin and others will want to see how your blog looks, your pagerank and your alexa rank.If your content is great, the administrator of the blog that have commented you notice your blog, and can link to your post in his / her next blog and get your blog to a wider public through his blog , talk about free traffic!

6. Use Forums:

I am fully aware when Matthew Woodward created his blog, and this peak its traffic and took him to the next level when he examined his opinion the first three forums.Warrior forumsBHW and TrafficPlanetwhere he shared some thoughts on the forums and user behavior, and he went ahead to publish with a link to his blog, and the rest is history, because until now it is still benefit from this simple examination and most of its visitors are now returning visitors.Learn from this example also publish useful and controversial messages on multiple forums and link to your blog, but do not overdo it. Build a great respect for yourself before you do, to not get your account banned! Best of wishes

. 7. Facebook page

Facebook is the largest online social site, and almost all those who are online have a Facebook account, you can create a page on facebook on your website and start creating useful messages. You can ask your visitors to your site to your page on Facebook to get updates or better yet, you can advertise your page on Facebook for a few dollars, you will surely get the targeted traffic you need.Facebook is a great source of traffic if you know how to use.

8. Use Youtube

Do you know that Youtube.com is 3 e The largest online site? And the largest video site on planet earth?Most people prefer learning through visual, that is, what they can see. If you start to youtube using your own advantage, I promise, you will not regret it. Create videos on the subject that you know very well, and if you decide not to show your face, you can use tools like Bandicam that records your screen. Start using YouTube and also creating useful video clips on your website. Also create a podcast, podcast and how I love you a big fan of Pat Fyln, you will notice that it create up to 99 podcast and people always like. Video clips and podcast is a surefire way to get a lot more repeat visitors to your website.

9. Use Web 2.0 as Squidoo and Hub pages as

The power of web 2.0 can never be emphasized, are one of the best place to build authority links and can almost rank on their own without much link building you. Create interesting and popular is "problem solving" and an interesting read, and even in the midst of background, you can get even more interesting readers by showing them a related item that will add great value to their lives.do not underestimate the power of these web 2.0 sites, they are also one of the best way to get traffic to your website.

10. Create Enticing titles

Without an interesting title, all the top 9 mentioned guides on how to get traffic to your blog will be "useless". Create enticing titles, fascinating and eye catching that will surely get the user / reader to click on the title to read the full article, short and very attractive!Just as these same sites, they are the brains behind hit songs like "my top 22 favorites house article Mostly # 9"With these 10 guides and method on how to drive crazy traffic to your website, I guess you'll get out of the league bloggers who are always in search of "traffic".Just across the above methods and yes, you see above !
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